World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Klassen Beschreibungen

Geschrieben von Dimension am 24.10.2004 um 13:36
Viele von euch planen schon jetzt ihren Charakter und damit auch ihre Klasse wie zum Beispiel Jäger, Druide oder Warlock. Jedoch fragen sich viele was überhaupt das besondere an der gewählten Klasse ist. Um euch zu beim Abwägen der Klassen zueinander zu helfen, hat Caydiem einen Thread eröffnet, in dem er die Vorzüge der verschiedenen Klassen erläutert.

Please keep in mind that there is not meant to be one "master" of any role. In a game with this many classes, our goal is to make the classes roughly equal in efficiency when filling the roles they're meant to fill, though the gameplay experience may vary between classes. Tanks are not meant to be carbon copies of each other, for example; they should all fill that role efficiently, however, enough so that they are viable and wanted in groups for that role. Each crowd control class should be able to manage small groups at times; they may simply be more effective in certain situations. We are aware that some classes do not currently fill the roles given to them; the development team is hard at work bringing them closer to their planned purpose.

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